
Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Trump Lies about His Birther Past: A Closer Look

Seth Meyers Humiliates Trump And His Birther Lie -VIDEO
Donald Trump built his political career on a birther conspiracy theory. And now, after spending five years peddling this lie, NOW he wants to pretend it all away? Not so fast, orange man….you’ve got some explaining to do.

Donald Trump is the king of the birther movement. As soon as our first African American President took office, Trump started suggesting that Obama was not an American. As a matter of fact, Trump beat the birther drum so hard that soon many Americans also bought into the lie.

And, even after the President put out the long form of his birth certificate, Trump continued pushing this racist conspiracy theory until last Friday.

After being forced into it by his campaign, Trump held a news conference to tell us that Obama was really born in the U.S. Yeah, no shit Sherlock.