Forbes 400 Wealthiest Americans Worth More Than 155 Million Americans
The 400 Richest
Americans Are Now Richer Than the Bottom 50 Percent Combined.
Yes, 400 people
have more money than 155 million Americans combined.
The Walmart heirs alone
own more wealth than bottom 40 percent of Americans combined.
Walmart's Low Wages Could Cost Taxpayers $900,000 Per Year Per Store, House Dems Find -HuffPost
Walmart's Low Wages Could Cost Taxpayers $900,000 Per Year Per Store, House Dems Find -HuffPost
400 Americans have more wealth than half of all Americans combined
The Walmart heirs alone own
more wealth than bottom 40 percent of Americans combined.

Walmart Is America’s
First Welfare Queen Superstore -Link
California spent almost 1 million dollars in 2011 on welfare for Walmart employees. The heirs sit on billions while their workers qualify for food stamps...
- Walmart’s intentionally low wages force employees to need approximately
$420,000UPDATED: $900,000 (link) per year, per store, totaling $2.66 BILLION annually in food stamps and other taxpayer assistance…to survive.- Walmart’s intentionally low wages cost the country HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of dollars in payroll tax deductions for Federal, State, and Local taxes.
- Walmart’s intentionally low wages cost our communities the ability to hire and retain important public service workers like firefighters, police officers, maintenance workers, and teachers.
- Walmart’s intentionally low wages cost our communities with their increased need for those same public services they are underfunding.
- Walmart’s intentionally low wages and lack of covered benefits cost taxpayers over $1.02 BILLION a year in healthcare costs.
- Walmart’s intentionally low wages cost taxpayers as much as $225 MILLION in free and reduced price lunches for school-age children.
- Walmart’s intentionally low wages cost taxpayers over $780 MILLION in tax deductions for low-income families.
The Most Addictive Infographic About Walmart's Greed We've Ever Seen -Link
The Richest 1% Have Captured America's Wealth -- What's It Going to Take to Get It Back? -Read more
Shockingly, the plan to raise the debt ceiling or lower it collects nothing from the wealthiest Americans to reduce our budget deficit. The Republican right wing holds the Obama White House hostage. It’s a sad day for the principle of sharing the pain equitably. Republicans only demand we take more from the needy, the elderly, schools, fire fighters, teachers, lay off public employees…
This mess would not be nearly as bad had we had all those taxes coming in over the last 10 years.