Friday, June 7, 2013

The Sequester: Meals On Wheels

The Sequester: Meals On Wheels 

General Electric posted a 14.3 BILLION dollar profit in 2011 and did not pay 1 cent in federal taxes. Republicans created these tax codes and republicans are blocking us from fixing this crap.
While 2/3 of Americas most profitable corporations pay zero federal taxes. 
Meals On Wheels will be serving 19 million fewer meals 
because republicans refuse to close one single tax loophole.

At a time when the federal government is starved for cash -- and facing layoffs and cuts in services across the board -- more and more corporations are sidestepping their traditional tax rate and keeping millions of dollars for themselves. The number of U.S. corporations structuring their businesses in such a way that they can avoid higher taxes has skyrocketed in the past quarter century, The Wall Street Journal reports.

Obama - Rick Perry Un-American Meme

Obama Un-American Meme

President Obama photo: While you were busy proclaiming this man un-American.

Texas Governor Rick Perry: This man vetoed a bill called "Buy American" that passed the Senate 23-7 and the House 145-0.

Texas Legislature Online History

Rick Perry Vetoes “Buy American” Bill Approved 145-0 by Texas House -Forward Progressives  
Relating to the preference given by state agencies to goods offered by bidders in this state or manufactured, produced, or grown in this state or in the United States.

05/25/2013 E Vetoed by the Governor -

John Boehner Jobs Meme - Republican Speaker of the United States House of Representatives

 John Boehner Jobs Meme
Speaker of the United States House of Representatives

The republicans have blocked or filibustered every single jobs bill that the democrats have tried to pass. The only thing they have offered is more tax breaks for the wealthy as a way to create jobs. Seriously, can you name one single piece of legislation the GOP has passed in the last 20 or so years that actually strengthens the American worker or helps the majority of us? 

Grumpy Cat Get's Political

Grumpy Cat Get's Political on Facebook
Unfriended me for supporting Obama?

Think Outside The Fox

Think Outside The Fox

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Beer Tank: 'Murica F*** YEAH!

Beer Tank: 'Murica F*** YEAH!
A tank built from cases of beer and kegs.