
Friday, June 7, 2013

The Sequester: Meals On Wheels

The Sequester: Meals On Wheels 

General Electric posted a 14.3 BILLION dollar profit in 2011 and did not pay 1 cent in federal taxes. Republicans created these tax codes and republicans are blocking us from fixing this crap.
While 2/3 of Americas most profitable corporations pay zero federal taxes. 
Meals On Wheels will be serving 19 million fewer meals 
because republicans refuse to close one single tax loophole.

At a time when the federal government is starved for cash -- and facing layoffs and cuts in services across the board -- more and more corporations are sidestepping their traditional tax rate and keeping millions of dollars for themselves. The number of U.S. corporations structuring their businesses in such a way that they can avoid higher taxes has skyrocketed in the past quarter century, The Wall Street Journal reports.