
Sunday, June 23, 2013

Obamacare Upheld: Nancy Pelosi - John Boehner Reaction Photo

Obamacare Upheld: Nancy Pelosi - John Boehner
This image is not Photoshopped (other than the added demotivational form)

The minority leader of the house applauds the decision by the Supreme Court of The United States of America upholds Health Care Reform ie: Obamacare. While John Boehner looks like he is about to start crying like the little bitch he is. 

One of these days a republican sill actually break down and explain to me exactly which GOP policies they like that helps strengthen the American worker or actually helps the majority of us in general. I can't think of any. It's a fact that they constantly weaken us by supporting big business over We The People every single vote.

Photo has the caption:
 Obamacare Upheld
Yes! Yesss! Oh let me taste your tears, Johnny!
Mmm, your tears are so yummy and sweet!

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