Saturday, December 1, 2012

Mitt Romney White House Visit Meme

Mitt Romney White House Visit Meme

Friday, November 30, 2012

Islamic - Western Women: The Bikini vs The Burka

Islamic - Western Women: The Bikini vs The Burka

American Women: Everything covered but her eyes. What a cruel male-dominated culture!

Arab Woman: Nothing covered but her eyes. What a cruel male-dominated culture!

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Jon Stewart - Balzheimer's Disease

Jon Stewart - Balzheimer's Disease

''Dick Cheney and Karl Rove, once two of the most
 powerful men in this country, are now suffering
from Balzheimer's disease. Why didn't I see it before?
Balzheimer's is a terrible illness that attacks the memory
 and gives its victims  the balls to attack others for things
they themselves made a career of.
 There is no known cure.'' —Jon Stewart

Jon Stewart On Organized Religion

Jon Stewart On Organized Religion

''Yes, reason has been a part of organized religion, ever since two nudists took dietary advice from a talking snake. '' —Jon Stewart

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

BREAKING NEWS: Texas Secedes

BREAKING NEWS: Texas Secedes


Funny picture of a man rowing a canoes that looks like an American battleship.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Secession Dealt With Abraham Lincoln Style

Secession Dealt With Abraham Lincoln Style