
Wednesday, September 19, 2012

German Solar Power Plants

German Solar Power Plants

 German solar power plants produce a world record 22 gigawatts
of electricity per hour, equal to 20 nuclear power stations at full capacity.

Solar power in the United States of America has been
demonized as a "Left Wing Conspiracy".

Germany is number one in solar energy equaling 20 nuclear power stations.
America is number one in attack ads against solar energy paid for by big oil.
$153 million in attack ads.

Air quality and health

Fact sheet N°313
Updated September 2011

Key facts

  • Air pollution is a major environmental risk to health. By reducing air pollution levels, we can help countries reduce the global burden of disease from respiratory infections, heart disease, and lung cancer.
  • The lower the levels of air pollution in a city, the better respiratory (both long- and short-term), and cardiovascular health of the population will be.
  • Indoor air pollution is estimated to cause approximately 2 million premature deaths mostly in developing countries. Almost half of these deaths are due to pneumonia in children under 5 years of age.
  • Urban outdoor air pollution is estimated to cause 1.3 million deaths worldwide per year. Those living in middle-income countries disproportionately experience this burden.
  • Exposure to air pollutants is largely beyond the control of individuals and requires action by public authorities at the national, regional and even international levels
  • The WHO Air quality guidelines represent the most widely agreed and up-to-date assessment of health effects of air pollution, recommending targets for air quality at which the health risks are significantly reduced. The Guidelines indicate that by reducing particulate matter (PM10) pollution from 70 to 20 micrograms per cubic metre, we can cut air quality related deaths by around 15%. -World HealthOrganization