
Thursday, August 30, 2012

Republican Convention National Debt Clock Irony

Republican Convention National Debt Clock Irony

When democratic president Bill Clinton left office. 
The United States was on track to pay off our debt and have a 2.3 Trillion Dollar Surplus by 2011. While still paying for Social Security, Medicare, Food Stamps for the needy...
What happened you ask? Six years of 100% republican control.
U.S. National Debt Chart: 1776 to 2008
George W. Bush with the senate and the congress controlled by a republican super majority. Handed out almost 3 trillion dollars in tax refunds that our country did not even have the money to pay for. Almost all of it went to the top few percent. This is also exactly when borrowing from China started going nuts. The republicans had to pay for their tax gifts to the rich somehow. The republicans also screwed with tax codes that made it more profitable for corporate America to outsource to communist China, India and the like.