Saturday, October 6, 2012

Jon Stewart Owns Bill O’Reilly in a Debate - Meme

Jon Stewart Owns Bill O’Reilly in a Debate - Meme

Anytime you have audience where more
people believe the president is a Muslim
than believe in evolution, you have a problem.

Friday, October 5, 2012

President Obama - Mitt Romney Debate Cartoon

President Obama - Mitt Romney Debate Cartoon

Mitt Romney Defund PBS: Kill Big Bird

Mitt Romney De-fund PBS: Kill Big Bird

Mitt Romney Quote Cut Funding To Public Television To Protect Tax Cut For Already Rich People
"I'm sorry, Jim. I'm going to the stop the subsidy to PBS. I'm going to stop other things," Rmoney said. "I like PBS. I love Big Bird. I actually like you, too."

Mitt Romney vows to fire Big Bird to save 0.00014% of the budget while planning 5 trillion dollars in tax cuts for millionaires.

When Bill Clinton left office we were on track to pay down the debt by 2.3 trillion dollars while paying for PBS, the thousands of teachers that have been fired since 100% republican control. While paying for social safety nets that have been in place for decades... Republican handed out 3 trillion dollars in tax rebates almost all of going to the top couple of percent of people that were already doing just fine and dandy.

It was to create jobs, you know trickle down economics. Well where are the jobs? Two thirds of America's most successful corporation now pay now taxes. GE made 14.3 billion dollars in profit in 2011 and paid zero dollars in federal taxes. So yeah, let's gut the things that benefit the majority of Americans so they can keep more.

Get rid of the republican tax cuts, close the loopholes, give tax breaks to people who create American jobs, tax corporations the outsource a little extra. Take that money and hire teachers back. Repair roads, bridges, hire more cops and firemen. Build more schools. Retrain coalminers who are loosing their jobs. Put veterans to work (the republicans just blocked veterans jobs bill that would be fully funded and get thousand of vets to work, part of make Americans suffer to make Obama fail like all the other things they have blocked).

Mitt Romney Kills Big Bird

Mitt Romney Kills Big Bird

Barack Obama says Mitt Romney's tax plan gives millionaires an average tax cut of $250,000
Obama said, "My opponent won’t tell us how he’d pay for his new, $5 trillion tax cut -- a tax cut that gives an average of $250,000 to every millionaire in this country." 
The Truth-O-Meter Says: Politifact

So yeah, let's give 5 trillion more dollars in tax cuts to people who are already rich and gut public television. Let PBS end up like The Learning Channel perpetuating stupidity to  the brain dead masses with the likes of Honey Boo Boo.
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Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Mitt Romney's Policies Are Like

Mitt Romney's Policies Are Like

Mitt (The Twit) Romney (Rmoney) - Barack Obama Debate Photo
Mitt Romney's policies are like Joseph Smith's Golden Plates
No one else has ever seen them and only stupid people
buy the bull crap

Mitt Romney Chipotle Meme

Mitt Romney Chipotle Meme

If yall secret service guys weren't here
I would be breaking my foot off
in this racist mother f****** ass!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Glenn Beck: God Put Romney Behind In Polls

Mormon - Glenn Beck: God Put Romney Behind In Polls

Glenn Beck works for Clear Channel Communications.
Clear Channel Communications is owned by Bain Capital.
Bain Capital: Founder(s) Mitt Romney, T. Coleman Andrews III, Eric Kriss
Among the radio personalities syndicated by Clear Channel or aired on hundreds of stations it owns nationwide are Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Mark Levin, Glenn Beck, Michael Savage, and many others.

Video of Glenn Beck using Vicks Vapor Rub
under his eyes to make himself cry and bilk
stupid people out of millions of dollars. :)

Monday, October 1, 2012

How I Predict The Obama Romney Debate Will End

How I Predict The Obama Romney Debate Will End

Mitt Romney admitted he tripped his daughter-in-law, who had just given birth, in order to win a family race. -Link

Billy Madison Business Ethics Quote
Moderator: Mr. Gordon, it is your turn. Mr. Madison, please choose a category.

Billy Madison: I choose Business Ethics.

Moderator: Mr Gordon. The American business environment has fundamentally changed following the insider trading and savings and loan scandals. Explain business ethics, and how they are applied today.

Mr. Gordon: The, uh, ethics of, uh business… can be summarized in… yeah, um… see… ethics are, uh… you know the, the thing about ethics… Aagh! That question isn’t fair! It wasn’t in the reading!

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Sunday, September 30, 2012

Bush vs Obama Gas Prices

Bush vs Obama Gas Prices
Gas prices were very close to where they are now , a couple of months before Obama took office. Somehow they magically dropped right before Mr. Obama took office then slowly trickled right back up. Why you ask? Maybe so republicans  (whom protect billions of dollars in oil subsidies and fight cleaning up the environment) can say "Well when Obama took office... And it seems to work with people who have short memories.

Ski Instructor Meme: Black President

Ski Instructor Meme: Black President

South Park Ski Instructor President Obama Meme