Saturday, August 18, 2012

Robin Hood: Was Not Robbing From The Rich

Robin Hood: Was Not Robbing From The Rich

Rage Against The Machine: Paul Ryan

Rage Against The Machine: Paul Ryan

Bad Time Ski Instructor: Romney & Ryan

South Park - Bad Time Ski Instructor:  Romney & Ryan

This political meme is captioned:
Rage Against The Machine guitarist and Harvard graduate Tom Morello
“Paul Ryan’s love of Rage Against the Machine is amusing, because he is the embodiment of the machine that our music has been raging against for two decades,”  -Tom Morello
The Grammy-winning Rage Against the Machine, which formed in 1991, has expressed stern opposition to corporate greed. They also support the Occupy Wall Street movement...

Mr. Morello also added that  "Mr. Ryan is “clueless” about the group’s message."

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Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Mitt Romney: Elect me

Mitt Romney: Elect me and I promise to lower my taxes

Ronald Reagan: Liberal

Ronald Reagan: Liberal

The Republican Party: We Got Nothing

The Republican Party: We Got Nothing

Ayn Rand: It's Not Just For Chicken F****** Anymore

Ayn Rand: It's Not Just For Chicken F****** Anymore

Rotflmao 2012

Rotflmao 2012

Monday, August 13, 2012

Paul Ryan: Giving Money To The Rich

Paul Ryan: Giving Money To The Rich

House GOP Budget Would Give Millionaires A $200,000 Tax Cut
The latest House Republican budget would grant taxpayers with incomes above $1 million at least $200,000 in tax cuts even if the GOP closes tax loopholes to help pay for the plan, according to analysis from Citizens for Tax Justice. The GOP plan, authored by Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-WI), aims to reduce the top income tax rate to 25 percent and repeals many other taxes on the rich, including the Alternative Minimum Tax and increases included in Obamacare. Ryan wants to pay for the tax cut by closing loopholes and ending tax expenditures. The budget didn’t specify which loopholes and expenditures would be eliminated, but even if all of them that benefit the rich were done away with (except for preferences for capital gains and other investments, which Ryan has said he will keep), the budget would grant millionaires a tax cut in excess of $200,000. If it doesn’t eliminate loopholes, the tax cut would only grow larger, CTJ found:In fact, under Ryan’s plan taxpayers with income exceeding $1 million in 2014 would receive an average net tax decrease of over $200,000 that year even if they had to give up all of their tax expenditures. These taxpayers would see an even larger net tax decrease if Congress failed to limit or eliminate enough tax expenditures to offset the costs of the proposed tax cuts. -Read more on

Mitt Romney: Traditional Marriage

Mitt Romney: Traditional Marriage

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Paul Krugman: Is Tired Of Reasoning

Paul Krugman: Is Tired Of Reasoning

Paul Ryan: Ayn Rand Is The Reason I Got Into Politics

Paul Ryan: Ayn Rand Is The Reason I Got Into Politics

Paul Ryan has credited novelist-philosopher Ayn Rand as the reason he got into public service.
Mike Wallace: “You are out to destroy almost every edifice of the contemporary American way of life, our Judeo-Christian religion, our modified government regulated capitalism, our rule by majority will. Other reviews have said you scorn churches and the concept of God. Are these accurate criticisms?”
Ayn Rand: “Yes” -Video

 Ayn Rand First Interview with Mike Wallace 1959 (Full)

Paul Ryan comments on his love of Ayn Rand -Video

Republican Budget Chairman Paul Ryan Spoke At The Koch Brothers Super-Secret Billionaires'  Strategy Meeting  -Think Progress 

Ayn Rand Quotes about religion
Ayn Rand: “[Faith] is a sign of a psychological weakness . . . I regard it as evil...

Ayn Rand: I am against God.

Ayn Rand: I don't approve of religion...

Ayn Rand: “Each man must live as an end in himself and follow his own rational self-interest.”  

Paul Ryan: “I give out Atlas Shrugged as Christmas presents, and I make all my interns read it.” He posted two videos on his Facebook page praising Rand.
Ayn Rand Mike Wallace Interview 1959 -Video

Paul Ryan was voted biggest brown-noser in high school. -Link 
Now remember, this is the lady that Paul Ryan said made him get into politics. She is also a Tea Party favorite with her book Atlas Shrugged. 
Senator Rand Paul (Ron Paul's son) “I am a fan of Ayn Rand and I’ve read all her novels.”

Rush Limbaugh – “The brilliant writer and novelist, Ayn Rand, has written about this. Let me give you a couple quotes from Ayn Rand on this.”

Justice Clarence Thomas (Supreme Court Justice) “”I tend really be partial to Ayn Rand, and to The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged.”

Paul Ryan's father died when Paul was only 16. Using the Social Security survivors benefits he received until his 18th birthday, he paid for his education at Miami University in Ohio, where he completed a bachelor's degree in economics and political science in 1992.
So using social safety nets is okay for him but not for others? 
Paul Ryan: U.S. Republican Representative  - Wisconsin
Paul Ryan Refuses Bible from Faithful America -Video 
After speaking at the 2011 Faith and Freedom Conference, Paul Ryan refuses to answer why he based his budget on the extreme ideology of Ayn Rand and not Biblical principles of economic justice then runs away from the Bible offered to him by the 7000 members of Faithful America who signed a petition asking the same question.
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